an employee discussing problems to his boss

Inappropriate Things You Shouldn’t Say in an Exit Interview

an employee discussing problems to his bossThe moment has come to say goodbye. You handed out your 2-week notice, you’re ready to bid farewell to your workspace, and you’ve sent out parting gifts to your colleagues whom you’d miss. You can already see the light at the end of the tunnel but then the HR office calls you in for your exit interview.

What now? What would you say?

You can say almost anything you wish during this interview. Well, except for these things:

“I don’t like the newly hired employee.”

An annoying colleague can deplete the energy and patience of even the most understanding person. But this should not be your reason to head for the door; think of it as your opportunity to practice your managing skills.

“I am not in good terms with a colleague.”

Discussing enmity between you and a colleague will reflect badly on your personality. Don’t make it worse by dropping names; you’ll appear difficult to work with.

“I’m too good for this job.”

It’s rude and unprofessional to boast about how you’re a great loss to the team once you’re gone. Remember that they can easily replace you, and you should never think too highly of yourself.

“I never liked my work here.” or “I’m just bored.”

Saying that you want to grow more as a professional is more justifiable than telling them you’re bored or sick and tired of working in their company.

“This company is not competitive salary-wise.”

If you feel you’re not being properly compensated, keep that to yourself or let the interviewer know that you’re looking for more promising financial support in another company. Don’t tell them that they suck!

“I was offered better benefits and higher wage by another business/company.”

Your employer will feel belittled and offended if you brag about your move to another company because it offers higher compensation and excellent benefits.

“I don’t like the ‘aura’ of this workplace.”

Disclosing minor problems you encounter in the office such as the broken copier, uneven desk stands, and freezing PC units will make you appear shallow and high maintenance.

“I feel undervalued and unappreciated.” or “I am overworked.”

If you’ve only been in the company for 2 years or less, saying you’re “unappreciated” or “overworked” is inappropriate. Your employer may also think you’re impatient and counting out your work.

An exit interview is much like your job interview. If you’ve found your way in right, you should do the same when you go out. Browse through our articles to find more effective career tips, student resume writing tips, and other job-related advice that will help you thrive in your career.



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