Startup or Big Company: What’s Best For You?

StartupFirst jobs can be both exciting and stressful. Choosing the type of environment one works best in is just as important as deciding which company they want to work for. The benefits, structure, and stability a big firm offers may be appealing to new graduates. But, more and more startups are competing for applicants’ attention these days. This might be more attractive to people who are not into the old-fashioned corporate culture. Civilian resume writing can also help discover the career path that suits a person best.

To help figure out which option is better, here are the advantages and disadvantages of working for a startup and a big business:

Advantages of Working for a Big Company

Working in an established business is usually less risky compared to a start-up. For those who are risk-averse, being employed in one allows better sleep at night, knowing they are secured.
Having a well-known company as a reference could serve as an advantage if you’re moving within the same industry.
Companies with a large number of employees come with a huge breadth of support roles and departments; Human resources, finance, operations, or sales. A big corporation has all these, so one can take his pick for a career.

Disadvantages of Working for a Big Company

With many different departments, characters, factions, and cliques, there are always lessons in politics and diplomacy. This can be an advantage or a disadvantage; depending on one’s skill on handling it.
In a large firm, everyone has their own tasks. It’s nearly impossible to see and explore every aspect of the company. Meaning, employees only learn in the small area in which they operate.
One of the most frustrating things about working in a company that houses hundreds of employees is needing to cope up with power-tripping superiors.

Advantages of Working for a Startup

A person starting up works for his own future. Yes, it entails putting in long hours, hard work, and poor pay for some time, but it’s a great opportunity to maximize earning potential.
In small businesses, oftentimes there are small teams with undefined job roles. Because they are cash-strapped, everyone needs to be involved in all aspects of the business. This allows priceless experience and knowledge in the industry.
The sense of fulfillment a person gets by doing something for himself is invaluable. Knowing that an operation can succeed through their actions and ownership is greatly exciting and motivating.

Disadvantages of Working for a Startup

  • Working for a startup requires a long term view on earning potential, and most of the time, your own personal circumstances dictate whether this is possible or not.
  • It’s risky and scary. Nothing can be taken for granted when it comes to the future of your startup business, so you need to be prepared at all times.
  • Perseverance is essential. You cannot rely on other departments on a work you can’t cope up with, because there aren’t other departments and little in the way of formal support.

We all have career goals. How we get there though, is completely up to us. Normally, the beginning of one’s career sets the pace for the future. So let’s set off to a good start by hiring the best civilian resume writing service out there.


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